Marketing Industry Data Entry & Processing Services
Data Entry India has keen knowledge and understanding of marketing processes involving survey data entry and processing, coupon collection and data entry, mailing list creation and verification.
Within survey data entry services, we provide customers a range of services from survey data scanning and using advanced software tools for data capture.
Our professionals can work with objective questions and also provide comments coding data entry. For any survey, the comments are extremely valuable for assessment and we understand the importance.
Top quality is maintained by subject matter gurus and has insight in to the survey setup and design attributes.
Data Entry India provides all types of data entry and data processing services related Online, Internet Marketing
Data Entry India is very efficient in doing manual data entry of Surveys data work like:
- Mailing list gathering and data entry
- Data entry of addresses in envelopes
- Preparing & presenting quality data statistical reports
- Cross tabulations are one of our portfolio services to this industry
Survey document scanning involves use of different tools such as
- OCR – Optical Character Recognition
- OMR – Optical Mark Recognition
- ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition tools.
We specialize in organizing, conducting and formatting reports for marketing industry needs.
Outsource your data entry and data processing jobs for your marketing campaign
If you have question regarding our pricing, processes, concerns over security of data and file sharing methods, please contact us and we will happy to help gain confidence in our processes.