Major Types of XML Data Conversion Services

In today’s technology driven services, the success of any organisation’s data conversion services attributed to the presentation of information. Like several other type of data entry services, the outsourcing of XML conversion services has become a popular trend. There are several off-shore data entry firms that specialize in outsourcing XML data conversion services to client businesses.

Understanding XML data conversion services

XML or extensible mark-up language is a framework of rules that helps to create custom mark-up languages. The key purpose of XML is to enable the sharing of structured data across platforms of different information systems especially via the internet. XML used to encode documents and align data in a serial document, largely used to display and contain information on the World Wide Web.

XML data conversion is the process of transforming data into a specific format from an XML format. This conversion made possible by using some of the regulations which are specified by the XML language. Transforming data into XML makes it user friendly and well-presented.  After converted to XML format, data becomes extremely reusable. The information delivery system also becomes more efficient due to the process of XML data conversion.

The following are the major types of XML data conversion:
  1. HTML to XML: You must have learnt HTML at a very young age when you were in high school. But it is likely that you had no idea back then that HTML could be used to deliver information in format-oriented form. The content of information presented in a HTML document easily interpreted as text strings. The purpose of converting HTML into XML is to encode data into meaningful and relevant structure and semantics that is decipherable to a computer. When XML and HTML used simultaneously the data is separated from its presentation format. Thus the data in HTML format converted into a more extensible format for web use.
  2. PDF to XML: PDF data can be transformed into XML format both online. PDF data converted into XML format by deploying advanced technology and software. This technology ensures full security of the data converted.
  3. Word to XML: The transformation of word file into XML format a tricky business at times due to risk of data lost during the process of conversion. The XML data conversion experts deploy upgraded technology in order to convert word to XML with complete precision.
  4. Excel to XML: In order to ensure accurate conversion of excel data into XML format, the following aspects kept in mind by the experts:
  • Retention of format of data
  • Retention of structure and style of data
  • Security of data
  • Retention of content of source data
  • Retention of charts, hyperlinks and other logic structure of original data

You can well understand why the outsourcing of XML data conversion services has become highly popular across various business domains.

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