Top 5 Tips to Keep Data Conversion Cost Affordable

Document conversion is the process or technique involved in changing a data type, file or format to another needed digital format, with the use of computer software in a digital environment. In today’s date, the conversion of data to meet specific requirements has been carried out by numerous organizations with an online and offline presence which makes banking on a professional service provider mandatory for both large and small scale businesses.

Document conversion is one of the major phases of the move to a new database. With lack of knowledge and experience you can find this as one of the most expensive and it can lead to unanticipated costs. Scroll below and find by yourself the key things to be kept in mind while planning for your data conversion:

  1. As data conversion is quite costly and labor extensive, converting it as little as possible is the best thing to do. The unimportant database should be cleaned up by not converting that to new system. Other than that, important documents such as company names or individual’s name, key demographic data and critical participation data should be considered first before conversion.
  2. Data should be cleaned before conversion. Otherwise a handsome amount of duplicate data can be amalgamated in your database. The comprehensive process of data conversion is the opportunity to de-dupe data before you convert it into the new database. Additionally, before the conversion to the new system, bad email addresses, physical addresses and other unnecessary data should be updated first. Starting with bad data in a new database is not a recommended process as users will instantly become suspicious of the new system.
  3. Financial records contain various set up details. So for financial records, only open invoices should be converted as static data
  4. Manual data entry should be used for smaller data sets. It is quite easier than converting it into the new system using a script. If it is more than 100 records of given subset of data, then it is less hazardous to write a conversion script rather than keying the data manually by hand.
  5. Keep your upshot data available. A copy of your legacy system should always be kept as reference, regardless of which exact type of data you convert. The access details of the legacy system should be limited between few reliable staff; otherwise the system can be used by many staff as shadow database.

Hope the guideline has given you a clear insight and ensured you that database conversion is no longer a complicated process. Make your process more manageable and less messy. Do leave your feedback as comment if any.

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